Hi! On our website www.carpdfmanual.com you can find a lot of many useful information:
Instructions that will be useful to any driver in a difficult moment.
Service, necessary for the harmonious work of your car.
Operation, which must be performed through a certain mileage of the car, as well as carrying out daily recommendations for car care.
A manual, a repair book, should always be in the car. Catalogs, for employees of the service station and amateurs repair themselves. Auto-manuals, in which there are many illustrations on
repairs, like watching movies. The rules of the road, directories, especially BOSSH, for narrow spetsov autodel.
Textbooks, both for beginners, and for professional development of specialists, car repairmen.
Colorful electrical wiring diagrams (EWD);
Fault codes lists and diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs);
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