Fault codes on the Acura mdx

P0101 Output sensor mass air flow of range

P0102 Low circuit signal MAF sensor

P0103 high signal circuit of the air flowmeter

P0106 Output sensor voltage out of range

P0107 Low level air intake manifold pressure sensor signal circuit

P0108 high level of air intake manifold pressure sensor signal circuit

P0112 Low-chain signal level temperature sensor

P0113 high signal circuit temperature sensor

P0116 Output coolant temperature sensor signal out of range

P0117 Low levels of engine coolant temperature sensor circuit signal

P0118 high level of engine coolant temperature sensor circuit signal

P0121 Output sensor throttle position of range

P0122 Low circuit signal throttle position sensor

P0123 high signal circuit of the TP sensor

P0128 Insufficient coolant temperature to activate the thermostat

P0130 Oxygen sensor circuit number 1 is defective

P0131 Low oxygen sensor signal number 1, to the converter

P0132 High oxygen sensor signal number 1, to the converter

P0133 The slow response to the enrichment or depletion of oxygen at the sensor number 1

Open P0134 Oxygen sensor circuit number 1

P0135 Malfunction of oxygen sensor heater number 1

P0136 Malfunction of the oxygen sensor circuit number 2

P0137 Low oxygen sensor signal number 2 (after catalyst)

P0138Vysoky Oxygen sensor signal number 2 (after catalyst)

Open P0140 Oxygen sensor signal circuit number 2

P0141 Malfunction of oxygen sensor heater number 2

P0171 Fuel system too lean

P0172 Fuel system too rich

P0200 Injector control circuit is faulty

P0201 Open Control Circuit Injector 1

Open P0202 injector control circuit 2

P0203 Open Control Circuit Injector 3

Open P0204 injector control circuit 4

P0217 overheating the engine cooling system

P0219 Excessive speed ICE

P0222 Low-chain signal level position sensor throttle №2

P0223 high signal circuit position sensor throttle №2

P0230 Malfunction of the fuel pump relay control circuit

P0261 Short circuit to ground injector control circuit 1

P0262 Short circuit in the wiring or open circuit injector 1

P0263 Driver injector 1 is faulty

P0264 Short circuit to ground injector control circuit 2

P0265 Short circuit in the wiring or open circuit injector 2

P0266 injector 2 is faulty driver

P0267 Short circuit to ground injector 3 control circuit

P0268 Short circuit in the wiring or open circuit injector 2

P0269 Driver 3 is faulty nozzle

P0270 Short circuit to ground injector control circuit 4

P0271 Short circuit in the wiring or open circuit injector 4

P0272 injector 4 driver is faulty

P0297 Excessive vehicle speed

P0300 Random / multiple misfire

P0301 Misfire cylinder 1

P0302 Misfire cylinder 2

P0303 Misfire cylinder 3

P0304 Misfire cylinder 4

P0325 Knock Sensor Circuit Open

P0327 Low knock sensor signal circuit

P0328 high knock sensor signal circuit

Circuit Malfunction P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor

P0336 Signal crankshaft position sensor out of range

P0337 Short to earth of the crankshaft position sensor

P0338 Open circuit crankshaft position sensor

Circuit Malfunction P0340 Camshaft position sensor (phase sensor)

P0342 Low signal chain the camshaft position sensor (phase sensor)

P0343 high signal circuit of the camshaft sensor (phase sensor)

P0351 Open primary circuit of the ignition coil 1

P0352 Open primary circuit of the ignition coil 2

P0353 Open primary circuit of the ignition coil 3

P0354 Open primary circuit of the ignition coil 4

P0422 Efficiency converter below the permissible

P0441 Incorrect air flow through the canister purge valve

P0443 Fault valve control circuit purge

P0444 Short circuit in the wiring or open the canister purge valve control circuit

P0445 Short circuit on the weight of the canister purge valve control circuit

P0480 Malfunction of the fan relay control circuit number 1

P0481 Malfunction of the fan relay control circuit number 2

P0500 No signal from the vehicle speed sensor

P0501 Fault speed sensor circuit

Intermittent P0503 speed sensor signal

Malfunction P0505 Idle control circuit

P0506 Low idling speed (idling regulator blocked)

P0507 high idle speed (no-load regulator blocked)

P0508 Short circuit of the control circuit stepper regulator of idling on the weight

P0509 Short circuit of the control circuit stepper regulator idling on bortseti

Open P0511 stepper regulator idling control circuit

P0560 System voltage below the threshold operation

P0562 Low voltage on-board network

P0563 High voltage on-board network

P0572 A brake pedal switch: low signal

P0573 switch and the brake pedal: High Voltage

P0601 ROM controller fault

P0602 RAM controller fault

P0603 Fault Internal RAM controller

P0604 Fault external RAM controller

Open P0615 Starter Relay Control Circuit

P0616 Short circuit on the weight of the starter relay control circuit


P0617 Short circuit in the wiring of the starter relay control circuit

Open P0627 fuel pump relay control circuit

P0628 Short circuit to ground fuel pump relay control circuit

P0629 Short to bortseti fuel pump relay control circuit

P0630 Problem saving the VIN-code or car VIN-code is not recorded in the controller

P0645 Open C clutch relay control circuit

P0646 Short circuit on the weight of the air conditioner clutch relay circuit

P0647 Short circuit on bortseti C clutch relay

P0650 lamp circuit fault "Check engine"

P0654 Circuit Malfunction tachometer dashboard

Open P0685 main relay control circuit


P0687 Short to bortseti main relay control circuit

P0688 Open circuit power output of the main relay

P0690 Short to power bortseti main relay circuit

R0719 Switch B brake pedal: Low Voltage

R0724 Switch B brake pedal: High Voltage

R0831 A clutch pedal switch: low signal

R0832 A clutch pedal switch: High Voltage

Low resistance P1102 Oxygen sensor heater number 1

P1115 Fault heater №1 oxygen sensor control circuit

P1123 A mixture of "the rich" - the additive correction of the fuel-air mixture in the air exceeds the threshold

P1124 A mixture of "poor" - the additive correction of the fuel-air mixture in the air exceeds the threshold

P1127 A mixture of "rich" - a multiplicative correction of the composition of the fuel-air mixture is greater than the threshold

P1128 A mixture of "poor" - the multiplicative correction of the composition of the fuel-air mixture is greater than the threshold

P1135 Malfunction of oxygen sensor heater number 1

P1136 A mixture of "the rich" - the additive correction of the fuel-air mixture fuel exceeds the set threshold

P1137 A mixture of "poor" - the additive correction of the fuel-air mixture fuel exceeds the set threshold

P1140 Incorrect air flow sensor signal

P1141 Malfunction of oxygen sensor heater number 2

P1171 Signal low CO-potentiometer

P1172 High signal CO-potentiometer

P1386 Internal Error Channel detonation test

P1410 Short circuit in the wiring or open the canister purge valve control circuit


P1425 Short circuit on the weight of the canister purge valve control circuit

P1426 Open canister purge valve control circuit

P1456 EVAP system, violation of the integrity Fuel tank ventilation system

P1457 vacuum leak from the canister EVAP

Open P1500 fuel pump relay control circuit

P1501 Short circuit to ground fuel pump relay control circuit

P1502 Short circuit to open circuit in the wiring or fuel pump relay

P1509 Overload idling regulator control circuit

P1513 Short circuit to ground idle controller control circuit

P1514 Short circuit or open circuit in the wiring regulator idling control circuit

Open P1541 fuel pump relay control circuit

P1570 No response from the MTA (immobilizer) or open circuit

P1571 We used an unregistered electronic key

Open P1572 p / n antenna immobilizer

P1573 Internal malfunction APS unit (immobilizer)

P1600 No connection to the APS (immobilizer)

P1601 No connection to the APS (immobilizer)

P1602 Loss of on-board network voltage

P1603 Fault EEPROM (EEPROM) controller

P1606 Incorrect signal rough road sensor

P1612 controller reset error

P1616 Low level of the rough road sensor

P1617 high level of rough road sensor

P1620 ROM controller fault


P1621 RAM controller fault

P1622 Fault EEPROM (EEPROM) controller

R1632 Malfunction of the spring 1, the throttle actuator

Problem 2 R1633 spring throttle actuator

R1634 Malfunction of the throttle actuator adaptation procedure

R1635 Malfunction of the adaptation procedure closed throttle actuator

R1636 Malfunction of the adaptation procedure is without power and throttle actuator

P1640 Fault EEPROM access controller

P1689 Incorrect error codes in the controller's memory

R1740 sensor 4th automatic transmission

P1750 Short circuit on bortseti number 1 torque control regulator of idling

P1751 Open circuit number 1 torque control regulator of idling

P1752 Short circuit on the weight of the chain number 1 torque control regulator of idling

P1753 Short circuit on the circuit number 2 bortseti torque control regulator of idling

P1754 Open circuit number 2 torque control regulator of idling

P1755 Short circuit on the weight of the chain number 2 torque control regulator of idling

R2104 electric throttle control system: restriction of ICE operation mode OMCHV

R2105 electric throttle control system: the prohibition of internal combustion engine

R2106 Power Control system throttle: power limit

R2110 electric throttle control system: speed limit


R2112 electric throttle control system: error of the position controller in the opening direction

R2113 electric throttle control system: position error in the direction of closing of the regulator

R2122 Low position sensor signal electric accelerator pedal №1

R2123 Low position sensor signal electric accelerator pedal №1

R2127 high position sensor signal electric accelerator pedal №2

R2128 high position sensor signal electric accelerator pedal №2

Correlation Error R2135 Throttle Position Sensor

R2138 correlation error position sensors electric accelerator pedal

R2299 Error brake pedal position sensor

P2301 Euro-2: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of ignition coil 1

P2303 Euro-2: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 2

P2305 Euro-2: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 3

P2307 Euro-2: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 4

P2301 Euro-3: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of ignition coil 1

P2304 Euro-3: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 2

P2307 Euro-3: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 3

P2310 Euro-3: Short circuit in the wiring circuit of the ignition coil 4

Comments: 2
  • #2

    ron (Saturday, 25 May 2024 06:01)


  • #1

    Denisha (Saturday, 30 July 2022 22:11)

    fault codes